Benefits of exercise to conquer depression

When you are lying on your couch the last thing you want to do is exercise, but I'm here to tell you that it is all worth it. Just like anything in life in the beginning you need to make an effort and just start. For years I wanted to walk in the morning, and I was the only obstacle in my way. There is the door and then the road behind it. All you have to do is open the door and walk through it.

Here are 7 benefits to why you should make exercise a daily habit:

  1. It makes you happy

Beyond the (potential) mood-lifting effects of fresh air and scenery, evidence suggests that pounding the pavement can also change the way our brains work to make us happier, or even stave off depression. “Exercise is as good as any anti-depressant I know”, Ratey claims.

December 2007, scientists from Yale University wrote in the journal Nature Medicine that regular exertion affect the hippocampus, the area of the brain responsible for mood. Test on mice showed that exercise activated a gene...

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