Everything in life is a lesson

"The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself."

- Steve Maraboli

I want you to remember to believe in yourself.. It is where it begins and ends. It is difficult to believe in self, because as children we taught to ignore the inner voice and go with what is accepted at the time. Did you know that for every time you hear a NO, and as kids we hear that a lot, you need to say YES 7 times to negate the effect of that 1 negative.

When you hear No, no, no, no you learn that it is not good when you hear that, you get punished, you get your toys taken away. And when you hear a Yes, you get a reward for good behavior, you get trained as if you are a pet you did good by following orders.

For many of us we choose to believe the society, our parents, our friends and coworkers. We are looking for rules created by the society on how to live our life, what to eat, how to dress, how to behave and so on. And we totally ignore our own inner voice. The wisdom is...

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