How to Change Your Beliefs

First off, why would you want to change your beliefs? Oftentimes it takes a tragic event or circumstance for us to pay attention at our life. Stop and think for a second where is it going? If we were to analyze or observe life as series of events we may notice patterns of behavior and beliefs that have led us to where we are today. It takes recognition that however you are living your life up to this point is no longer working. It does not suit you anymore. It may look great on paper, great career, complete family, financial stability...but deep inside something does not feel right. The things you thought you wanted you now have, yet there is something missing.

 Once you acknowledge what has happened, now you can change. Here are three things you can do to change your beliefs. 

1) Surround yourself with people who see the best in you

Do you allow toxic people in your life? Do you allow toxic relationships to take a toll on you? Sometimes, maybe you have a partner or a...

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